This entire week, I am going to discuss the Fundamentals of MongoDB. Today is the final (sixth) post in the six post series. We are going to learn about Mapping Relational SQL in MongoDB. I have recently build a Video Course at Foundations of Document Databases with MongoDB focusing on helping users to get started with MongoDB quickly and efficiently.
Mapping Relational SQL
If you are beginning the journey of MongoDB from the SQL Server world, I am very confident that you have a few questions and any confusion. Let us start by addressing the elephant in the room.
- SQL Tables are MongoDB Collections
- SQL Rows are MongoDB Documents
- SQL Columns are MongoDB Fields
Actually, I personally feel awesome after what I just mentioned above. Lots of people get confused with the terminology while essentially they are the same.
SQL Terms | MongoDB Terms |
Database | Database |
Table | Collection |
Row | Document |
Column | Field |
Index | Index |
Table joins | $lookup |
Primary key | Primary Key |
Transactions | Transactions |
The table above presents the various SQL terminology and concepts and the corresponding MongoDB terminology and concepts.
Let us see some of the common SQL operations and equivalent MongoDB script. I will be using MySQL as a base to write all of my scripts.
Create Table vs Create Collection
CREATE TABLE actors ( id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(50), age int, PRIMARY KEY (id) )
Insert Statement
INSERT INTO actors (name, age, email) VALUES ('Roger', 46, '')
db.actors.insertOne( { name: "Roger", age: 46, email: "" } )
Select Statement
SELECT * FROM actors
Select Statement – Filter
SELECT * FROM actors WHERE age > 20
db.user.find( { age: { $gt: 20 } }, {name: 1, age: 1, _id: 0 } )
Select Statement – Advanced
SELECT name, age FROM actors WHERE age > 20 LIMIT 5 SKIP 10
db.actors.find( { age: { $gt: 20 } }, {name: 1, age: 1, _id: 0 } ).limit(5).skip(10) )
Update Statement
UPDATE actors SET email = 'NA' WHERE age < 18
db.actors.updateMany( { age: { $lt: 18 } }, { $set: {email : "NA" } } )
Delete Statement
DELETE FROM actors WHERE age < 18
db.actors.deleteMany( { age: { $lt: 18 } })
Drop Table – Drop Collection
Well, that’s it. We have learned all the basics statements and their presentation in MongoDB.
I strongly suggest that we all learn multiple programming languages for databases.
Here are some of the relevant blog posts on MongoDB.
- Foundations of Document Databases with MongoDB – Video Course
- SQL Terms vs MongoDB Terms
- MongoDB Compass – Missing a Schema Section
- MongoDB Fundamentals – Getting Started – Day 1 of 6
- MongoDB Fundamentals – CRUD: Creating Objects – Day 2 of 6
- MongoDB Fundamentals – CRUD: Reading Objects – Day 3 of 6
- MongoDB Fundamentals – CRUD: Updating Objects – Day 4 of 6
Technology Online
I hope you find these Learning paths helpful. If you have a Pluralsight subscription, you can watch it for free. If you do not have a Pluralsight subscription, you can still watch the course for FREE by signing up for a trial account. Please note that you do not need any credit card. You can always connect with me on twitter.
Reference: Pinal Dave (
First appeared on MongoDB Fundamentals – Mapping Relational SQL – Day 6 of 6